Carolyn Thomas
On December 5, 2003, Carolyn Thomas and her mother Janice Reeves were attacked by Carolyn's abusive ex-boyfriend. Carolyn's abuser shot and killed Janice Reeves, Carolyn's mother and shot Carolyn in the face with a .44 magnum. He then left Carolyn for dead. Carolyn did not die, she is a survivor.
Carolyn has endured 17 months of surgeries and countless trips between her home in Waco and her doctors in Houston, In between, with the help of Dione Jackson, her counselor from Waco's Family Abuse Center, Thomas began building a national reputation as a woman who not only survived a horrific attack from an abusive boyfriend but found the courage to speak out against domestic violence. She has made appearances on Oprah and Larry King Live and appeared in Jet and people magazines speaking out on the behalf of women in turmoil all over. Speaking engagements have taken her all across Texas and beyond and she is planning a charitable foundation, through which she will help other women escape the hell she shared with Terrence Kelly for a decade.
Denna kvinnan är otrolig. En sån styrka hon har. Jag hade aldig klarat av att leva efter en sån händelse. Hon är en sann inspiration till alla. I slutet av programmet började jag gråtá. Det bara kom. Utan varning eller någon ting. Man brukar kunne känna när man ska börja gråta men det gjorde jag inte. Det var som om kroppen bara öppnade alla "gråtluckor" utan varning.
Programmet visade alla olika operationer hon gjorde som krävdes för att ge henne ett så normalt ansikte som läkarna kunde. Jag finner inga ord som kan berätta hur duktiga dessa läkarna är. Om ni vill läsa mer om henne och hur hon ser ut nu är det bara att googla hennes namn. Jag rekommenderar er att göra det. Den mest intressanta livshistoria jag någonsin hört.