Hello there blog!
It's been such a long time now since I've written something so I thought I'd take a break from my dissertation and bring you up to speed on what's been going on! I've been very busy lately and stressed. Time is working against me from every direction and when I'm not working, I'm out being a social butterfly or asleep! On Friday we started our lectures again after a very long three-week Easter holiday. After lectures, I went with a few friends to the nearest pub for one several drinks. After that we went to a food festival in Haggerston which was amazing! Great crowd but very chilly. For better or for worse, I had to keep drinking to stay warm! 
Then last night I first went with Delfina and a couple of her friends to the last open night of Blu Bar in Hoxton. After that closed at midnight we went to a friend of a friend's birthday party in Stoke Newington. Massive warehouse party with lots of interesting people. Since I was sober and on the H2O all night (big hangover...) I had the pleasure of watching other people get entertainingly drunk! Got to bed at 5am - not good!
That's my very eventful weekend followed by a very uneventful Sunday where I've literally been writing...and writing...and writing!
stay strong!


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