
Hello blog! It's sure been a while since last time! Just been mega busy doing/thinking about other things right now, hence my absence. But guess what? I found out my University results and am MEGA happy with it. Turns out those weeks of locking myself in my room paid off in the end - HA, who knew! I've also gotten an iphone - finally converted. Apparently they just work so I'm gonna give it a go. Been having a bit too much fun with now onlt downloading apps but abusing them as well. There are some seriously weird apps out there that you can download - I mean who comes up with this stuff? Not that I'm complaining because I'm loving the weirdness!
Otherwise I've just been chilling with some friends and dying in the heat, even if today was pretty crap. Anyhow, I will continue being inactive here on the blog (sorry) because something amazing is happening over the next few days and I can barely contain my excitement! Will check back in here as soon as I'm able!
Nighty night!


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